
TechNotes MERN Stack App

A full-stack notes management application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) and Redux Toolkit for state management. It features JWT-based authentication for secure access, allowing users to create, update, and delete notes. Deployed on Render. Live Demo | Frontend GitHub Repo | Backend GitHub Repo

NASA React App

A simple NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) app built with React. It fetches daily APOD data from NASA's API and caches the data in local storage. Deployed on Vercel. Live Demo | GitHub Repo

E-Procurement Connect: Shopping Platform for Academic Institutions

Designing and developing the entire website using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and ShadCN. Created a user-friendly landing page and additional components to enhance user interaction. (Currently working) Demo link

StreamWave Innovations: Digital Agency Website

Built a modern, responsive website using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, and connected it to Formspree for easy communication. Used GitHub to track changes and Vercel to host the site. Visit site | GitHub Repo

Temecula Food Truck: Website

The website is built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS and uses Swiper for the slider. Visit site | GitHub Repo

CMS Projects


Built and maintained a responsive Webflow site for a healthcare tech company, focusing on making it easy to use and fast. (Webflow) Visit site


Created a clean, professional WordPress site for a PR firm, ensuring it works well on all devices. (WordPress) Visit site


Designed and set up a custom WordPress site for a biotech company, adding features to manage complex content. (WordPress) Visit site


Built a sleek and modern Webflow site for a tech startup, focusing on seamless user experience and responsive design. (Webflow) Visit site